Couture Zéro Déchet - Je me Lance ! - Laurane R. K
RRP: 16.90 €
30 reusable objects for a sustainable lifestyle.
You don't know how to sew? No problem! Laurane had never touched a sewing machine in her life... until she embarked on the zero waste journey.
Today, she knows how to sew everything she needs on a daily basis to stop throwing things away: tea bags, coffee filters, soap scraps, vacuum cleaner bags, bulk bags, make-up remover wipes, tissues, sanitary napkins, nursing pads, paper towels, flat charlotte, pie bag, dry shampoo case, and even Christmas decorations... Simple, useful, economical and ecological objects.
You too can easily make the perfect sustainable living kit with this illustrated guide for beginners.
Editions: Thierry Souccar
Printed in France